The Foundation

for Parental Rights for

Veteran Fathers

"It is about time! The foundation is like the ACLU but for fathers. Brilliant!"

(Prominent family law attorney)

Fathers are more than just a paycheck!

Our foundation is devoted to campaigning and waging Legal Warfare "Lawfare" within the court system(s) to give fathers the gender equity and equal rights guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution.

Anonymous Tips:

The Foundation Services & Specialities

Advocate for the parental rights of fathers, especially veterans


Legal Advisory Services

The foundation provides professional guidance, advice, and assistance on legal matters without the practitioner functioning as an attorney or representing the client.
(We are not attorneys)


Supporting Partners

Our partnership program prioritizes veterans and is designed to make you feel comfortable while preserving the dependability of our programs.

Investigative Services

Private investigators are expensive. However, members of the foundation have access to highly trained and seasoned specialists with diverse backgrounds.


Investigative Journalism

As investigative journalists, we have expertise in uncovering facts related to the legal systems. Our work involves thorough research and conducting interviews.


VA Claims Assistance

The foundation has established partnerships with credible businesses and non-profit organizations in order to assist veterans in overcoming these obstacles.


Courtroom Trauma

There are organizations that focus on providing veterans with mental health support, but the foundation has identified a specific need for specialized support in coping with courtroom trauma.

Welcome to the national foundation

Fathers who served

The foundation is a newly formed non-profit, 501(c)(3), that will fight for gender equity and  equal rights for veteran fathers, all fathers, in Family Court and Child custody matters. We look forward to your support and contributions as we grow.

Meet our Partners

Our mission is to advocate for the parental rights

Have Any question about our services?

Join us and become one of our partner organizations in the fight for our nations' Veteran Fathers.

If you have questions about our services please reach out to us using the form on our contact page.